Present: Jo' Swain, Colin Bullworthy, Colin Fell, Derek Miles, Joe Torres, Roger Slater,

Bryon Gates, Sue Gillett, Terry Burroughs, Wayne Boddy, Chris Day, Andy Reeve, Faith Frankel, Tony Cutbush, Malcolm Norris, James Pugh, Will Featherstone, Barry Waterman, Rai Liiv, Tony Maniam.

1) Apologies From: Nigel Gray, Ken Gooding.

2) Minutes of AGM 2013.       Approval was proposed by TM, seconded by CF.

      Matters Arising.   The question of late starts causing late finishes was again discussed.   It was reported that Cheshunt league are also trying to start matches on time.  It was agreed that matches should start at 19.30 hrs, whether or not all team members are present.  If some members are absent then the match should start with those who are present.  CB to emphasise this in the first newsletter of the new season.

3)      Chairman’s Report.   The chairman said that although no matches had had to be postponed due to adverse weather conditions, nevertheless a number of matches had been postponed due to lack of players, which is always regrettable.  She thanked all those committee members who had contributed to the smooth running of the league through the season.

4)      Match Secretary’s Report. CB reported that the league finally finished a month behind schedule.  He reported on all the results, as detailed in Newsletter 9.  CB reported that he hoped that there would be a better balance to next year’s leagues and gave out League Registration Forms.  The cost is to remain at £35 per team.  CB thanked the WebMaster for his work during the season.


5)      Treasurer’s Report.  A provisional balance sheet was circulated but this has not been completed.  A final edition will be circulated to members when completed.


6)      Election of Officers.    All current officers were prepared to stand again.  Chris Day also said that he would be prepared to join the committee.  Election ‘en masse’ was proposed by TM, seconded by CF.  Carried.


7)      Matters Arising from the Year.

a.   The Chairman reported that following the death of our president, Ken Grethe, a donation of £50 was made to the Isabel Hospice.   Following discussion by the committee, Rita Rowe was invited to become our new president and has accepted with much pleasure.   A unanimous vote of “Welcome” was given.

b.   It had been suggested that we raise the age of entry to our Vets & Super Vets competitions.  However, ETTA classifies Vets as being over 40, so it was agreed that this age should remain unchanged.  It was agreed that the entry age for the super-vets should be raised to 65.  It was also agreed that a new competition for the under-40s should be initiated.  No person may enter more than one of these competitions.  Proposed by JP, seconded by AR.

c.   The Pine Trophy .  This is awarded to a person making a significant contribution to the league.  This was awarded to RS.

d.   Etiquette .  CB reported that in multi-table venues, play is often halted by the intrusion of a ball from another table.  Just occasionally this is returned in poor grace and sometimes no “thank you” is offered for its return.  These constitute bad manners and are inexcusable.  It was emphasised that this is the fault of the players, not of the venue.  CB will place a request in the first newsletter next season, asking for greater understanding and better manners.


8)  Any Other Business.

a.   FF reported that ETTA are raising their membership charge to £10.

b.   CB handed out certificates to the winners and runners-up of the season’s competitions.  He thanked FF for creating the new certificates.

c.   It was proposed by a member of the Cheshunt League that there should be a competition between them and our league, in memory of Ken Grethe.  This was greeted with enthusiasm.   The two committees will work together to consider what format this competition should take.





The meeting ended at 21.10hrs





R. Slater.
