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MINUTES 1/8/17
Present:Jo Swain, Colin Bullworthy, Vikki Flaum, Derek Miles, Chris Day, Roger Slater
1. Leagues
2017-18: A phone call to Tony
Maniam confirmed that ASSC will be entering three teams this year. The League is losing one team from Cheshunt,
one team from HRC and two teams from Hoddesdon, which leaves 12 teams. However, two new teams are joining the
league: St Andrew’s Hertford and Watton at Stone TTC. Home nights are Thursday and Friday respectively. St Andrew’s will play at St Andrew’s Church
Hall, St Andrew Street, Hertford and WaSTTC play at Nigel Poulton Community
Hall, School Lane, WaS. This means that
the 2017/18 season will have 14 teams which be divided into two divisions.
Premier Division: HRC 1.
GP 1 & 2. Ches. 1 &
2. ASSC 1 & 2.
Division 1: Prama Stars 1 & 2. GP 3. ASSC 3. HRC 2. WaS. St A’s
It was noted that HRC is no longer part of Herts Regional
College and should become Herts Regional Community TTC – abbreviated to HRC.
The season will
commence on18/9.17.The first week will be for the Divisional Cup.
2. Handicap
Cup: The reduction in the number of
league games to be played this year leaves time for the first round of this
competition to be a Pool format rather than straight knockout.
3. Un-played Matches: Discussion took place around Minutes Item 7 of the AGM. It was agreed that teams should be required to complete matches within 4 weeks of the original date. In the event of a match not being played within this time then CB will arbitrate on the allocation of points.
4. Hall
Hire: With the loss of income from
less teams, it was considered that the cost of hiring Cheshunt’s hall for the
closed tournaments and the handicap tournament (3 nights) might be beyond our
financial capability. We need to (a)
find out exactly how much Cheshunt will charge and (b) investigate alternative
venues. VF will enquire how much Grundy
Park would charge us.
5. Dates. Handicap Tournament: 4/1/18
Handicap Final: 23/4/18 at ASSC. (has been booked)
Closed Tournaments: 25 & 26 April 2018. Venues to be confirmed.
6. AOB: CB will endeavour to senda draft of the new handbook to CF this week.
JS reported she expects the last two trophies to be returned to her on 2/8.
CB reported that Hertford had won the Terry Burrows inter-league Trophy this year.
The meeting closed at 2121 hrs.
R. Slater