Hertford & District Table Tennis League

2023-24 Season
        Dated 6 May 2024
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League News
Nineteen points from their last two matches were not enough for Water Lane A as HRC A won their last match 10-0 to clinch the Premiership title by eight points.
Water Lane Phoenix A reversed the order in Division 1, finishing the season twelve points ahead of HRC C.  St Andrews A beat Pramastars A 8-2 and leapfrogged HRC D who finished bottom.
Cheshunt D won Division 2 by fourteen points, the key result being an 8-2 defeat of nearest rivals, Water Lane Phoenix B, Tina Layton unbeaten on the night.

Handicap Cup News
Water Lane A completed a cup double, beating Grundy Park B 7-2 in the final.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held at Cheshunt TTC, Thundridge Village Hall on Monday 3 June 2024 at 7.30pm.  Everybody welcome.  Agendas will be notified prior to the meeting and the last AGM Minutes are here on the website.  Anybody wishing to raise anything under Any Other Business, please let me know.
Roll of Honour
The latest Roll of Honour table is now online here
and finally...
And finally, thanks to everyone for the season, hope you all enjoyed it and hope to see you all doing it again next season.

This newsletter is copied to everyone on the distribution list.  If you know of anybody who doesn't currently receive it and wants a riveting read (!), please let me know.
League tables, averages, handicaps, cup results and newsletters are on the website.

Best Wishes,
Colin Bullworthy
Match Secretary

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