Hertford & District Table Tennis League

2023-2024 Season
Please Note! The 2023/4 AGM is on 3rd June, at Thundridge Village Hall (home of Cheshunt TT). 19:30 start.
Site last updated 14th July 2024
For information on the BATTS TTC & Bribar event on 21st July in Harlow, see the Special Notices page (note that registrations must be in by July 16th!)

Formed in 1936, the Hertford & District Table tennis league celebrates 89 years of Table Tennis this year and is
possibly the 13th oldest TT league in UK, this season covering an area from Bishops Stortford to Enfield.
The league is affiliated to Table Tennis England and the Hertfordshire County Table Tennis Association.

For the 2023/24 season there are 11 clubs in the league, giving us 24 teams spread
evenly over 3 divisions, competing in regular league matches as well as cup fixtures.
This season, although we've sadly one Stanstead Abbotts PH team,
we've gained an HRC team.

New players, teams and clubs of all standards are always welcome - e-mail any of our committee for details:
Jo Swain (Chairman) - joswain60@hotmail.com,  
A. Reeve (Treasurer) - AREEVE7474@gmail.com,  
Colin Bullworthy (Match Secretary) - colin010457@gmail.com,  
Steve Hooker - sctjkhtt@gmail.com,  
J. Torres - jangel.torres@btconnect.com,  
or as a last resort, the webmaster.  

The Minutes from the recent AGM are now online ... don't forget the new season Registration Forms need to be completed & returned by 21st July!

Sportswear with your club emblem.
Any views expressed on this site are not necessarily those of Table Tennis England, the chairman or even the committee

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