Scoring: All games are played up to 21 points, with ‘Sudden Death’ at 20-20 (i.e. NOT winning by 2 clear points). In singles, the player with the lower handicap will start at zero. The player with the higher handicap will start with a pointstotal equal to his/her handicap less that of his/her opponent. eg. Handicaps of 18 and 11 will start as 7-0 or 0-7. Initial serves will be the number that it takes to divide overall score by 5. In above example there will be three serves. The only exception to the above is where a player starts with a minus handicap. In this case, the match will start with the actual handicaps, e.g -2 and 10. Again, there will be a number of serves until the total score can be divided by five when the lower handicap player has reached at least zero. In doubles, handicaps are added together and halved. An odd number should be rounded up. e.g 11 and 10 will be a handicap of 11. Note: Only players who have played at least TWO league matches are eligible to participate.